The arrow in the middle of the drawing points to the front of the Apple II
1 I/O SELECT This line, normall high, will become low when
the microprocessor references page $Cn, where
n is the individual slot number. This signal
becomes active druing 00 and will drive 10
LSTTL loads*. This signal is not present on
peripheral connector 0 (II+)
2-17 A0-A15 The buffered address bus. The address on
these lines becomes valid during 01 and
remains valid through 00. These lines will
each drive 5 LSTTL loads.
18 R/W Buffered Read/Write signal. This becomes
valid at the same time the address bus does,
and goes high during a read cycle and low dur-
ing a write. This line can drive up to 2 LSTTL
loads *.
19 SYNC On peripheral connector 7 ONLY, this pin is con-
nected to the video timing generator's SYNC
20 I/O STROBE This line goes low during 00 when the address
bus contains an address between $C800 and
$CFFF. This line will drive 4 LSTTL loads*.
21 RDY The 6502's RDY input. Pulling this line low
during 01 will haldt the microprocessor, with the
address bus holding the address of the current
location being fetched
22 DMA pulling this line low disables the 6502's address
bus and halts the microprocessor. This line is
held high a 3kn resistor to +5v
23 INT OUT Daisy-chained interrupt output to lower priority
devices. This pin is usually connected to pin 28
24 DMA OUT Daisy-chained DMA output to lower priority
devices. This pin is usually connected to pin 22
25 +5v +5 volt power supply. 500mA current is avail-
able for ALL peripheral cards.
26 GND System electrical ground
27 DMA IN Daisy-chained DMA input from higher priority
devices. Usually connected to pin 24 (DMA
28 INT IN Daisy-chained interrupt input from higher
priority devices. Usually connected to pin 23
29 NMI Non-Maskable Interrupt. When this line is
pulled low the apple begins an interrupt cycle
and jumps to the interrupt handling routine at
location $3FB.
30 IRQ Interrupt ReQuest. When this line is pulled
low the Apple begins an interrupt cycle only if
the 6502's I (Interrupt disable) flag is not set.
If so, the 6502 will jump to the interrupt han-
dling routine whose address is stored in
locations $3FE and $3FF
31 RES When this line is pulled low the microprocessor
begins a RESET cycle (see page 36)
32 INH When this line is pulled low, all ROMS on the
Apple board are disable. This line is held high
by a 2kn resistor to +5v
33 -12v -12 volt power supply. Maximum current is
200mA for all peripheral boards.
34 -5v -5 volt power supply. Maximum current is
200mA for all peripheral boards
35 COLOR REF On peripheral connector 7 ONLY, this pin is con-
nected to the 3.5Mhz COLOR REFerence sig-
nal of the video generator
36 7M 7Mhz clock. This line will drive 2 LSTTL
37 Q3 2Mhz asymetrical clock. This line will drive
2 LSTTL loads*.
38 01 Microprocessor's phase one clock. This line
will drive 2 LSTTL loads *.
39 USER1 This line, when pulled low, disables ALL internal
I/O address decoding**.
40 00 Microprocessors phase zero clock. This
line will drive 2 LSTTL loads*.
41 DEVICE This line becomes active (low) on each peri-
SELECT pheral connector when the address bus is hold-
ing an address between $con) and $C0nF,
where n is the slot number plus $8. This line
will drive 10 LSTTL loads*.
42-49 D0-D7 Buffered bi-directional data bus. The data on
this line becomes valid 300nS into 00 on a
write cycle, and should be stable no less than
100nS before the end of 00 on a read cycle.
Each data line can drive one LSTTL load.
50 +12v +12 volt power supply. This can supply up to
250mA total for all peripheral cards.
This drawing and text is Copyright 2000. Do not duplicate without permission.